Satha Arumanayagam does not have a commercial relationships with any of the authors or publishers of this material

Playing The Enemy by John Carlin

The lessons in the book are relevant to every boardroom, sale team, charity or school.. A lasting legacy from an inspirational leader of my time

See it here!

Hit Refresh by Satya Nadella

Everyone needs to refresh at some stage in their lives. We either do it consciously or life does it for us.. A must read for every aspiring professional


Money Master The Game by Tony Robin

The title says it all. Must read for any age. Yes the game must be mastered

See it here!

The Barefoot Investor by Scott Pape

A great book to get the fundamentals on managing your personal finances and setting the building blocks for wealth creation. A must read for every aspiring young professional


Your Erroneous Zone by
Dr Wayne Dyer

This book is an old classic. If you have ready it once, it is worth a re read. Some great insights.

See it here!

Straight From The Gut by Jack Welch with John Byrne

Must read for all professionals aspiring to build a long and successful career in corporate


Leading on the Edge by Rachel Robertson

A gripping tale. A real-life example of transforming one’s career.

See it here!

Seneca On The Shortness of Life

An age old classis. Sets life in perspective, whatever generation you belong to – baby boomer, millennial, generation X, generation Z….
